
英国文学选读 返回上一级目录
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 Lecture 14 Contemporary literature & Doris Lessing and A Women on a Roof
 Lecture 13 Modern literature & D.H. Lawrence and The Rocking Horse Winner
 Lecture 12 Oscar Wilde
 Lecture 11 Naturalism & Thomas Hardy and Tess of D’Urberville
 Lecture 10 Charles Dickens
 Lecture 9 Victorian literature & the Bronte sisters and Jane Eyre
 Lecture 8 Pride and Prejudice
 Lecture 7 Romantic Period II
 Lecture 6 Romantic period I
 Lecture 5 William Blake
 Lecture 4 British literature during enlightenment & Jonnathon Swift
 Lecture 3 17th English Literature and John Donne
 Lecture 2 Shakespeare
 Lecture 1 Introdcution